Coelogyne Mayeriana definitely needs a warm spot because it comes from sea-level up to only 100 metres in Malaysia, Sumatra and Java. It comes from a swampy habitat so it additionally needs massive amounts of water. I have had difficulty with this plant in my under-heated glasshouse. Hot and sweaty even turns some orchids on but cold and wet is a disastrous formula. It has grown and flowered but not come up with the big racemes of up to 10 flowers that it is reputed to produce. This type of result is typical when the growing conditions aren't satisfactory.

It is quite a big plant and because it retains the dried bracts at the base of the psuedobulbs it can look a bit untidy. It has a slight tendency to be a creeper. The attractive flowers are held upright, unlike Coelogyne pandurata, and the flowers are also smaller.

Under my conditions, I think Coelogyne brachyptera is a more attractive proposition. Its flowers may be slightly smaller but it makes a better display on a smaller, more compact, tidier plant that requires less specialised conditions.

Negatives: This orchid is not suitable in cool areas without a well heated glasshouse. Not only does it resent cold, it absolutely hates being cold and wet.

Rating: ♦♦♦ If your climate is mild then this could be a nice addition to your other green Coelogynes.

Sometimes sold as: Most of the 'green' Coelogynes get mixed up. Check if it's pendulous or not. Unfortunately, some nurseries are selling seedling plants imported from Asia. The nurseries can't afford to hold the plants long enough to get flowers so a lot of trust is put into the label. Someone once said, "The label is always right but god knows what the plant is"!

It can be distinguished from Coel pandurata which has very compressed (flattened) psuedobulbs compared to Coel mayeriana's rounded cross-section psuedobulbs.

Varieties: None known


1. Coelogyne Siamese T-Rex (Phil Spence in 2015 using Coelogyne asperata as the pod parent).

Unregistered Hybrids:

  • Coelogyne mayeriana x Coelogyne verucosa (listed on eBay, 2011). This has two tropical green parents with the pollen parent being more of a rambler and pendulous flowering.
  • Coelogyne pandurata x Coelogyne mayeriana (The Hanging Garden, Australia, 2009). This is another combination of two green flowering Coelogynes.

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